Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Project Space (Draft)

Bantol, Ken
English 114B
Space in Counter-Strike
            Every person in the world has a limit. Bodybuilders and athletes are physically gifted and seem to be able to do almost everything using their bodies, but they still have their own limits. Dancers and actors who perform and entertain audiences around the world are seen as free moving individuals, but they too have limits that disable them from going any further. This limit that almost acts as a boundary to every person in the world is called space. Space is the most underrated aspect of life because nobody notices it any longer. A house is made up of walls that divide one space from the other, but no one ever notices these boundaries any longer. These boundaries separate areas for the purpose of privacy, safety, but most importantly, to limit each person’s free willed in an area. Instead of walking a straight line diagonally, one must maneuver around the walls and that person cannot do anything about it. These walls in the house are like rules that one must abide by. In the past two decades, technology has risen to the top of the media and entertainment field because of the futuristic developments that always seem to amuse people. One of these futuristic developments is the video gaming industry. Kids and adults play video games to relieve stress and experience a creative and imaginative world that they are controlling with their own actions. But even these creative and imaginative worlds have boundaries or limits that cannot be broken by the player. These rules and regulations are created by space which comes to show that space is still a big aspect in video games just as much as in reality. One of the greatest games ever created and developed is Counter-Strike. It was developed by Sierra, now known as Valve, and is owned by the gaming company, Steam. It is a first person tactical shooting game that portrays the on-going reality of war between terrorists and not-terrorists. A player can choose between two teams to play with, Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists, and a spectator mode in which a player is allowed to roam around the match or the round and observe the ongoing match between the two teams. This game is played in maps that have two bases for each team and the space they must work within to beat each other.

            Counter-Strike is considered one of the greatest games ever made. It attracted many kids and teenagers, like me, right when it was released in 1999. It was the perfect game that every person was looking for. It gave them full control of a character and it was violent and perfectly portrayed how a gun is held, fired, and used. But even Counter-Strike has limits that are caused by the space provided in the maps. In the game, there are many walls that are called blind spots that disable a player from seeing the opposite player with enough time to gather himself to aim and shoot perfectly. This is why it takes a while to master the skills and aim fast and accurately at the same time. These walls are a big aspect of the game because it makes it very hard for a player to aim accurately and with a fast speed to hit the opposing player. In the video cited below, at 0:03 seconds in to the clip, we see a perfect example of walls being used in the game as a limitation or a boundary for the player. He cannot see the opposing player hiding behind the wall thus he is not aiming at a target. But once he sees the enemy come out, his fast and GODLY reflexes enable him to avoid getting shot and gets the enemy with one shot from a sniper rifle (running and aiming with a scope with a sniper rifle is very hard to do and is not recommended unless you are a great marksman in the game). The wall impairs the sight of the player by hiding blocking the other part of the map where the opponent is hiding. Clearly, space is a big aspect of the game as shown in this game play.

Another example of walls being used in space of the game is in the 0:25 second mark of the video above. The player respawns (New Round starts) in his own respected base. In this clip, we see the player buy his sniper rifle and positions himself at a spot that allows him to shoot the opponent crossing from his base to the bomb site. This spot is covered very well by the walls that it takes less than half a second for the player to see his opponent cross. The wall clearly makes a major impact on the use of space in the game because it limits the player from having all the time he needs to get settled and shoot at the opponent. The space acts as a rubric or a basis of what the player is offered or given by the game, and the player must adjust to this level of comfort. By getting used to this space, the player enhances his skills and reflexes and is able to shoot accurately in a fast speed. Just like how the player in the video above shows, a GODLY speed. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

This week's edition of Abominable was really funny. I hate it when I set up a guy's night out with my friends where we can just enjoy some sports and some foul tv and be men, and that one friend brings someone else that makes it awkward. That person who makes it hard for us to act normally like how we would with each other. I can already tell how the other sparrows are feeling in the next invisible panel.

The culmination

So... This is the last personal blog of mine for this semester. I seriously did not know what to write about but after realizing this is the last personal blog, I decided to write about something that has been bothering me for a while now. Ever since I started college last semester, I have been hearing stories of people graduating and not being able to find jobs within their respected field. I am afraid whether I will become one of them and by the way the economy is looking, I have a feeling I will be. My parents went to college, graduated, got a job within their fields, and are making a sufficient amount of money. But I'm wondering whether I will be able to do the same thing. This only makes me want to work harder and do anything to succeed. I'm also planning to apply for the FBI once I receive my Bachelor's degree in Kinesiology. Hopefully, I can do the things I want to do and make my parents proud.

Strict Diet

Along with working out, I have been on a very strict and lean diet. Instead of carbing up like most bodybuilders, I'm eating like a 500 pound obese person trying to lose all the fat. I need to get lean first before I return to Natural BodyBuilding again. I have gained about 15-20 pounds of fat the past 6 months ever since I stopped bodybuilding and so I have to  get back to 15% body fat again.

Back to clanging and banging

The week after Spring Break, I decided to start working out again. I did bodybuilding during the summer and I accomplished my goal. I was able to put on muscle mass like I have never been able to put on before. I followed a routine by a guy on YouTube and I was successful at putting on mass. Although I didn't stick to a strict diet, I was still able to put on a good amount of muscle. My friends that I have not seen since last year told me I probably gained 5 or 10 pounds of fat but in reality, I gained 50 pounds overall. I stopped working out when I got a job last December and now I'm back to lose the extra fat and even get bigger muscle gains.

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Abominable Charles Christopher: April 4th

This week's edition of Abomibale clearly portrays how monarchy works. When the King or Queen dies, the next in line is the son or daughter or whoever is closest in relations. Although that makes sense, I don't understand why they are in a higher class than other people. They're monarchy, that doesn't mean they have powers of a God and can do anything they want. They're just like other regular people with more money and they should be treated nothing more than just a celebrity rather than a almighty being.

End of my Spring Break

After spending the first half of my Spring Break on my couch with the flu, I recovered and went on to back to back to back 8 hour closing shifts from Thursday until Saturday. What a horrible week. Worst Spring Break ever. That Sunday however, I didn't have work and I was able to get an 8 hour sleep. I went to church that morning and my favorite priest was the preacher that mass. It was a perfect day to hear about God's message for Easter from my favorite priest. I spent the rest of the day preparing food and the grill because we had visitors come over for Easter dinner. We had steak, ribs and some good 'ole Filipino food that my mom prepared. It was a great ending to my horrible Spring Break.

Week of Spring Break

Going out on Sunday night was the worst decision I have ever made. My flu got even worse and I felt as if I was on my deathbed. That stayed the same the whole first 3 days of the week from Monday until Wednesday. All of a sudden, the flu went away when I woke up that Thursday morning and I had an 8 hour closing shift later that day. That Friday, I also had another 8 hour closing shift. What a great Spring Break -_-

1st weekend of Spring Break

The flu got worse. I was in worse shape than I was on Friday. Good thing I didn't have work or else I would have died. It was a horrible start to my Spring Break. I wanted to go watch a movie that Saturday night and go out with my friends. That Sunday however, my friends came over and we watched Wrestlemania 28, WWE PPV. We stopped watching WWE but after hearing that our childhood hero, The Rock, came back, we wanted to watch the event and it did not fail. It was a great show and well worth our money. We went to Chipotle and even though I was sick, I felt as if I had energy because of the event that night.

1st day of Spring Break

It was a Friday and I have been waiting for that day this whole semester. Instead of having fun, I was on my couch the whole day suffering from the flu. I caught the flu from a guest who was sick and kept talking to me at work the night before. I also missed out on a great party thrown by my co-worker and former High School friend. Almost everyone I knew from my old High School came and my closest friends that I hung out with in High School came to the party. What a BUMMER !

The Ultimate Fighting Championship

I am a Sports fan and Basketball will always be my favorite sport. But lately, I have been intrigued by a new up and coming sport, Mixed Martial Arts. This sport has everything you want to see in a fight. Ground game, wrestling, boxing, kickboxing, and even Capoeira (dance fighting). It gives me the adrenaline to workout because of the excitement I feel when I watch these fights. I have a feeling this is gonna be the next big thing in 10 years. Everyone will know Anderson Silva and Jon Jones just like how everyone knows Kobe Bryant and LeBron James.

The Abominable Charles Christopher: March 28th

This week's edition of Abominable really touched my heart. It gave me an idea of how my mom is feeling. My sister is moving out to go to USC and I am transferring to San Francisco State University. My parents are left with my youngest sister who is still in the 6th grade. She always tells us how much she's going to miss my sister and I when we both move out. Until now, I never realized why. A parent's love for his or her child is unfathomable.

15 word summary of this semester

"Procrastination is like masturbation. You enjoy it at first, until you realize,  you're fucking yourself."

Working at Target

So it's been 4 months since I started working as a Cashier at Target and I have to say, it's been super great! I got with the flow really fast and real easily and now I'm opening more redcards (Target credit cards) than most of my co-workers. It's really hard to get guests to open credit cards but with proper use of smile and deceiving with charm, it can be done :)

The Abominable Charles Christopher: March 21st

This week's edition of Abominable reminds me of Spring time. Spring is my favorite season because the sun is always out but it is not super hot. It is very breezy in Southern California and my attitude is like the bunny. I just want to  have a musical and start skipping down the road in a Sunny Breeze type of weather.


So for our assignment in class, my professor wanted us to try something new that is completely out of our normal routine, and miserably fail at it. Now for my experiment, I did not completely go out of the norm but I still did something I knew I was going to fail at. I have always been a technology guy and always experimented with new electronic devices. Last month, I bought my sister a brand new Kindle Fire. I saw the serial number or key of the package and remembered how everyone scammed Amazon by reporting a damage to their Kindle Fires and got new replacements no questions asked. I did it once with my friend and I thought I should do it again. I lost the manual that was downloaded online that showed step by step instructions on getting a free Kindle. The manual also contained the complaint letter that was to be sent. So I tried to do it myself and wrote a new complaint by myself. The person caught on to me and asked more information than the first time I complained to them. He asked for my debit card information and my address and where and when I bought the Kindle. He told me that if this is a scam, he can track my IP and get me arrested. I was so scared that I unplugged my whole desktop and the internet router of my house. I realized I tried to do something by myself and failed miserably.

Nike Free Run

So I bought these new running shoes called Nike Free Run and they are FRIGGIN' AMAZING! Greatest shoes I have ever owned. So light and comfortable, I basically wear them everywhere. I am planning to doate all of my shoes to Goodwill because I feel that I no longer need any other shoes but my Nike Free Runs. You guys should get 'em!

The Abominable Charles Christopher: March 14th

In this week's edition of Abominable, we see two rats making fun of a woodchuck. At first, the woodchuck doesn't realize what's going on but catches on in the end. This reminds me of when I was new to America. I was the "Asian Kid" or the "Chino" in my class. I was the nicest foreign guy you could ever meet. All I wanted to do was be friends with everyone. But there were always those guys who thought they were so cool because they were in their own group walking around school in a pack. One day, I passed by them near the basketball courts and they asked me "Where I was from". I thought they were referring to my homeland, instead they were looking for a "gang related" answer. Being ignorant of the situation, I calmly answered Philippines. Here I was thinking I made new friends. Instead they started laughing at me and called me a "[EXPLETIVE] Rice Eater". I left after that altercation and tried to avoid them that whole year. I never talked to any of them ever since that day until 4 years later when I was in High School and I started being physically active. I was not intimidated by them any longer because I was the same size, if not, much bigger and stronger. But it was too late, they didn't try to get in an altercation with me and I did not want to initiate a stupid fight over a stupid incident they started 4 years ago when they were immature.


Well, it's been a month since I've posted a blog. I have been procrastinating, well I always have been, but more hardcore than ever the past month! Time to finish all my work and finish this semester strong! Let's do this!